Age 11 to 18
Secondary school is separated into two sections.
In grades 6 to 10, students study in the IB Middle Years Programme guided by the curriculum of the Ontario Education Program. In grade 11, students continue with the Ontario curriculum to prepare them for obtaining an Ontario Secondary School Diploma at the end of grade 12.

Our secondary curriculum closely follows Ontario Curriculum.
The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) is ranked among the top #5 institutions internationally for "Academic Excellence" and the most recognised qualification for university placements globally
CIST Grades 6 to 10 Curriculum
IB Middle Years Programme
In grades 7 to 10, CIST is authorized to offer the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). The IB Middle years program is a flexible framework for organizing teaching and learning into units of inquiry.
An IB unit of inquiry embodies the essential elements - the concepts, global context, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and action - that young students need to equip them for successful lives, both now and in the future.

The CIST Way
The CIST curriculum builds on the concepts, knowledge, skills, and attitudes previously developed in the Primary Years Programme (PYP). Students are generally taught in grade-level subject classes, however, in English, they are arranged by language competency so teachers can be sure that the classes are most appropriate for their learning needs.
Students participate in at least one interdisciplinary unit, involving two or more combined subject groups, per year. Interdisciplinary units encourage students to develop deeper understandings of concepts through learning experiences shared across multiple subjects.

Learning with Concepts
Conceptual learning is about big transferable ideas.
A concept-based approach moves away from subject-specific content and instead emphasizes “big ideas” that span multiple subject areas or disciplines.

Personal Orientation Project
The Personal Orientation Project is undertaken by students with a teacher’s guidance as they investigate and learn more about their own aptitudes and interests and apply that knowledge to research various pathways for post-secondary education and reflect on future careers.

Four Languages
In grades 7 to 10, students learn four languages: English, French, Mandarin and Thai. In the MYP, language course are organized into first language (Language and Literature) or additional language (Language Acquisition) depending on the language profile of the student.

MYP Subject Overviews
In the MYP, students learn in 8 subject groups.. To access overviews of the units taught in each subject, click the link below.
Note: these documents are only available to CIST students and their families.
We expand on knowledge and skills gained in the classroom by:
providing a diverse extra-curricular program for all students
including students in community service initiatives in each grade level
enhancing health and physical development through sports
fostering responsibility to the school and both the local and global community
Learning How to Learn
A great emphasis is placed on learning how to learn. Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills feature throughout the curriculum, equipping students with the skills to be lifelong learners. ATL skills include:
ATL Skills

E.g. goal setting, perserverance, time management, adaptability, mindfulness

E.g. collaboration, giving and receiving feedback, writing for different purposes

E.g. practicing empathy, exercising leadership, delegating and sharing responsibility

E.g. processing data, evaluating sources, information and media literacy

E.g. critical thinking, creative thinking, transfer of knowledge between subjects
CIST Grade 11 and 12 Curriculum
Here at CIST Secondary School, we provide a broad range of learning opportunities that inspire and challenge our students, while ensuring we meet their individual needs.
For Grades 11 and 12, we offer Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) which is an internationally recognized secondary school credential, from the Ministry of Education Ontario in Canada.
In grade 11, students continue the curriculum of Ontario to prepare them for success in grade 12.
In grade 12, the Ontario curriculum is offered provided through a partnership with Rosedale Global High School.
CIST is a collaborative partner school in the Rosedale Global High School Program

CIST has a strategic partnership with Rosedale Global High School in Ontario, Canada. Rosedale Global High School (BSID# 668726) is an Ontario Ministry of Education inspected private secondary school that is able to grant OSSD credits and issue the Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Rosedale Global High School is committed to offering exceptional education programs that maintain fairness, transparency and academic integrity.